Bar/Bat/B’* MitzvahSon/Daughter of the Commandment – at 13 years – the traditional moment when a Jew becomes responsible for living Jewishly.
*B’ Mitzvah is a recent gender-neutral term for this coming of age
Chanukkah ‘Dedication’. Festival celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple (desecrated by the Assyrian Greek Emperor Antiochus IV) in 164 BCE
Chumash‘Fived’. Edition of the ‘Five Books of Moses’ including the ‘concluding’ [Haftarah] readings from the ‘Prophets’ read on Shabbat mornings
ElulMonth of spiritual preparation prior to Rosh Ha-Shanah
G’milut ChasadimLoving Deeds
HaggadahText ‘telling’ the story of Pesach (‘Passover’) first included in the Mishnah
HalakhahJewish Law. Root meaning: to ‘go’ or ‘walk’
Kabbalat Torah‘Receiving the Torah’ – a Liberal Judaism innovation, marking the point when young 15–year–olds are welcomed as adult members
Kashrut Dietary laws concerning what is kasher (‘fit’) for Jews to eat
Kiddushin‘Setting apart’ of a couple in Marriage
KippahLiterally: ‘Dome’; ‘cap’ – skullcap
Lag Ba-Omer33rd day of the Omer. See: ‘Omer’
M’zuzah‘Doorpost’. The box placed on the external and internal doorposts of one’s house containing the biblical passages that mention fixing the Divine words on ‘doorposts’: Deuteronomy 6:4-9 & 11:13-21
Machzor‘Cycle’. Name for the Festival Prayer Book
Mishnah‘Teaching’. The first post-biblical code of law containing the teachings of the first rabbis, edited c. 200CE
Omer ‘Sheaf’ [of grain] presented daily by the priests in Temple times for 7 weeks from Pesach to Shavuot. The Omer period is ‘counted’ day by day
Pesach‘Passover’. 7–day festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt
Purim ‘Lots’. Festival focussing on the reading of the Scroll of Esther
Rosh Ha-Shanah‘Head of the Year’. The Jewish New Year – the first of 10 days of repentance, culminating in Yom Kippur
Seder‘Order’ of the telling of the Exodus tale at Pesach
Sh’maThe name given to 3 Biblical passages (Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:13-21 & Numbers 15:37-41) that begin with the word, Sh’ma! ‘Listen!’
S’lichotPrayers of ‘Forgiveness’ prior to Rosh Ha-Shanah
ShabbatThe Sabbath. The 7th day of the week set aside for ‘ceasing’ from work
ShavuotFestival of ‘Weeks’ celebrating the early summer harvest and also
Z’man Matan Torateinu – ‘the Season of the Giving of our Torah’
Siddur‘Order’. Name for the Sabbath & Daily Prayer Book
Simchat Torah‘Joy of the Torah’. Festival celebrating the conclusion & beginning of the annual cycle of Torah readings on the 8th day following Sukkot
Sukkot‘Booths’. 7–day late harvest festival when we ‘dwell’ in a sukkah, ‘hut/booth’
SiyyumThe ‘completion’ of a period of study, usually involving a celebratory meal
T’fillinLeather straps & boxes bound on the left arm and head for dailymorning
prayer containing Torah texts that mention this binding, e.g. in the Sh’ma
Tallit ‘Shawl’ worn for morning prayer, with tzitzit – ‘fringes’ – on the 4 corners
Talmud‘Learning’. Name for the combined work of the early rabbis, edited c. 500 CE, containing the Mishnah & G’mara (commentary on the Mishnah)
TaNaKHAn acronym for the Hebrew Bible – which falls into three parts: Torah (Five Books), N’vi’im(Prophets) and K’tuvim (Writings)
Tikkun Olam‘Repair of the World’
Tishah B’Av‘9th of Av’. Commemorating the destruction of the Temple in 586 BCE & 70 CE
Torah ‘Teaching’. Specifically, the Five Books of Moses
Tu Bishvat‘15th day of (the month of) Sh’vat’. The New Year for Trees
Tz’dakahEconomic acts of ‘justice’ – tzedek. The Jewish form of charity
Yom Ha–Sho’ahHolocaust Memorial Day in the Jewish calendar [Sho’ah = Devastation]
Yom Ha’Atzma’ut[Israel] ‘Independence Day’
Yom KippurDay of Atonement. Day of confession of our misdeeds