Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah
When you open the July issue of SJN, Lishmah Sussex, the eight week cross communal adult study programme held at Ralli Hall will have just ended. It was a great success on many levels. It happened because people from across the community got together to make it happen. It brought together members from all the local synagogues for a weekly activity. It stimulated participants to engage in the most important pursuit of Jewish life: Learning. Sessions were led by Liberal, Reform and Orthodox teachers – including rabbis from each of these denominations. Last but by no means least, we paid our way: because so many people participated, we were able to pay the rent for the use of the rooms at Ralli Hall. Moreover, thanks to the generous grant from the Community Renewal Fund that paid for the buffet at the Lag Ba-Omer launch – and the private donation that covered the printing costs – we even have some money left over to go towards the next series…
Lishmah Sussex has proved that we can come together as a community, not just for one off ad hoc events, like the splendid biennial Limmud day, which was the inspiration for this venture, but week in and week out. We are so fortunate to have a Jewish community centre, which is the ideal location for a programme that spans all the denominations. The success of Lishmah Sussex demonstrates that we must make more use of this wonderful resource.
So, what happens next? As I have suggested, we have funds to go towards a second series. It could take place in the late autumn – say from 1st November to 13th December. The first series has vindicated the rationale of Lishmah Sussex: to bring people together from across the community to engage in Jewish learning lishmah – ‘for its own sake.’ In order to put on a second series, we need people to come forward to form an organising team. If you are one of the people, who enjoyed Lishmah Sussex and would like to help to make it happen again, please volunteer! If you’re one of the people, who missed it first time round and are intrigued, why not take a leap and be part of the next venture. The first planning meeting will take place Tuesday 17th July at 7:30 PM at Ralli Hall. If you’re interested in participating, please come along! I look forward to seeing you!